FTV Girls Zoe Bating with her Hand
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I was born in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania and grew up there for almost my entire life. I also lived in Olathe, Kansas for four years of my life. If I had to choose which place I like better it would be Pittsburgh because it is my hometown. However, Kansas is a very pretty state and the people who live there are very friendly. I did cheerleading in 7th and 9th grade at the middle school and high school I attended in Kansas and I made a lot of great lifelong friends from that. That time in my life was very lifechanging and memorable. I have always been a very outgoing person and I thrive off of interacting with the people around me. I love to make people laugh and laugh with them. My favorite things to do in my spare time are exercise, go shopping, go out to eat and drink, hangout with my friends and I am currently learning how to play the Ukelele. I also love to sing and hope to take voice lessons in the future. Working out and exercising is very stress relieving for me.

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