Sabina having fun Outdoors
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Im Sabina, Im A Science dweeb and classic rock addict.

I was born A Floridian and raised mostly in Philidalphia.

I have two little brothers and they are truly my heart and soul.

For most of our childhood my dad was in the army so we were raised by my grandmother.

My grandmother is a very unique soul, while raising me she never allowed me to watch tv or use any kind of technology at all, instead she showed me the beauty of classic literature and the magic of classic rock.

Everyday, instead of T.V. shows or computer games, we would do something new and creative like gardening or painting to pass our time.

My favorite thing in the entire world was creating poetry and music.

I became obsessed with science when I was 10 years old, my grandmother gave me the book, “On The Origin Of Species”, Written by Charles Darwin and ever since I was hooked.

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