FTVGirls Liz masturbates with fingers
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FTV Girls Liz

Hi guys, I was asked to write about myself. Well, I’m 18, living in northern California, and still living with my mom and dad. Yeah, they’re still together and I’m close with them. So why am I doing this? Because I want to. No other reason than I like watching porn and I want to try and be a part of it. I’m all about fucking older guys and not frat-boy types because I like their maturity and they know what they’re doing. My mom was very adamant about getting me into ballet at six and figure skating at eight. I didn’t continue with it once I was in my teens as I discovered boys and was more interested in them than spending a lot of time with other girls and their coaches. I wanted to do this website because I knew I would get a good start with porn here and I would be taken care of. I also heard thru some friends that the guy running it is cute even if he’s older. I would fuck him if he let me but I kept it cool and professional the first night. I also was a bit tired from the long flight and the modeling on a hot day. Arizona is crazy hot but very pretty.

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